Designed and manufactured by 1st Millennium Electronics, no-flo is pushing the boundaries in terms of innovation in the field of water management. Particularly useful for sectors, such as housing, or for domestic situations when on holiday or away from the home, no-flo gives you the ability to monitor water systems with the confidence that you can intervene before severe damage arises.
no-flo is a system that detects water and shuts valves off to limit flood damage. no-flo takes what is already on the market one step further in that, not only does it detect and notify users of a leak, but it can also remotely manage water systems from anywhere in the world.
Position no-flo devices anywhere susceptible to leaks, and an alert message is sent to a phone/device if the detectors are activated. As a fully integrated system it provides:
With its latest technology, allowing for bluetooth communication between sensors and controller, it is easy to use. The controller uses WiFi to communicate with cloud via MQTT, delivering Real Time Data, as well as allowing for individual and corporate control of thresholds and notifications.
Are you concerned about your water management? Get in touch and speak to us to find out how we can help.
Please contact us with the information regarding your product or concept, and one of our electronics professionals will be happy to assist you.